What does Property Investment Mean for me

It allows me to become free.

A journey that started with the intention of purely growing our money has turned into something far bigger than that for us today. As a husband-wife investor, increasing wealth certainly fulfils our materialistic desires and secures the future of our family but more importantly it enriches our spirituality by serving back to the community.

We value our ecosystem tremendously - from our investors who are the source of energy (i.e wealth) in our projects that positively impacts all tradespeople working on the project to the families our homes nest.

With our Indian roots, Engineering background and professional experience, we hold our ‘duty’ in the highest regard. Our deepest duties and love have been towards our family and to the people we work with; the duty to look after them no matter what. This is reflected in our company values too. It is no co-incidence that our projects are chosen to serve families as our end customers.

Ashima leaning against brick wall

as seen on...

What is Our Property strategy

..merry a little makes a mickle

Our primary approach is a simple buy-to-let strategy i.e. we buy houses that are either distressed or houses where we can upgrade, we refurbish them and get a remortgage on their elevated market value.

Our portfolio is in the North East of England in areas which have high family rental demand - current areas include Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne and Sunderland.

Our plan this year is to create a luxurious family holiday rental in the Cotswolds along with adding more projects to our existing residential portfolio.

A little peak into a project

... infinite ROI | 30% Yield | 100% occupancy

one sentence summary about what you do at your business

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Wealth grows further wealth...

Today, we feel privileged to offer our property projects as a vehicle through which people who resonate with us can grow their wealth too.

Ashima leaning against brick wall

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